Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Midtown UK - #003

A café, somewhere in England. It is empty, except for the Owner. He adjusts stale pastries at the counter. Outside, white paint flakes off the wall. Silence.

A Young Man enters. He is, it seems to fair to say, not welcome.

Y Good afternoon there, sir!

O Hello there.

Y Could I get, er... just an apple juice, please?

O We only do cordial. That all right?

Y Erm... do you have orange?

O Orange cordial.

Y Yeah, just a glass of that, please.

O I’ll bring it over. Have a seat.

Y sits by the window

O finds the bottle of cordial, unopened for years, and struggles with the bottlecap, though the congealed cordial crust offers little resistance of its own

pours far too much into a filthy glass and fills with cloudy tap water


Y Ah – thank you for that.

O Pleasure.

Y looks out the window

takes a sip of the cordial and none after that

O watches him

adjusts the pastries

Y reads through the laminated, spare menu

O watches him

adjusts the glasses

watches him

Y does not look behind him

O watches him

hears something

looks at him

slowly exits to the back

Y turns to see him leave

stands to look around

looks at the counter, then behind it, for some time

returns to where he sat, though stands, and looks out the window

O enters


Y Hm?

O You, er... you waiting for someone, then?

Y Oh no, no.

O Mm. Right. Can I get you – to himself no, you’ve still got your... juice...

Y looks out the window

How long has this place been here?

O Showing its age?

Y Sorry? Oh – no no no, just, er, wondering. Settle a bet, you know.

O Fifteen years or so. Give or take.

Y It’s funny – I used to live here when I was little, and I don’t remember ever seeing this place on the high street.

O We're not the sort of place people notice.

Y Everywhere else looks the same as it always did. Even the signs are the same. Those are what you remember most clearly of all, the shop signs.

O Right.

Y Yeah...

So you... do you see much – do you get a lot of people coming in here these days?

O Well, it’s not what it was...

Y The recession?

O Hasn’t helped.

Y Course...

O We get the local rotary club every now and then, keeping us from...

Anyway – ‘s there anything else I can get you?

Y No, ta – what do I owe you?

O Ooh, er... pound ninety.

Y Ah – ok... er, there you go.

O Ta.

Y Thank you.


O watches him leave

checks the café

sighs with relief

hears something

exits to the back


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